It is time to get back in the mental game of travel? Really the art of it. Planning , exploring, being present, and alive. Travel is only halted not lost forever. I think it going to be even more important to travel and to bring people together. Travel opens your mind and if you aren’t a jerk, leaves warm impressions all over the world about “Your Tribe”. Being a traveler helps me cope with fear, anxiety and frankly racism or preconceived notions about people. You see the problem is travelers have to travel. WE don’t have established lifelong communities for a reason. Well at least I do not. Planning my next trip is invigorating, hopeful. It shows faith in our broken system and in humanity. It will make us even more vulnerable. It will be harder to take that first step out my door. I am in Florida “The Hotspot” but when I talk to my friends and family in New York we are more opened then they are. The Covid dilemma we are all in it together. I live on Boca Beach and look odd being the youngest person wearing a mask on walks. I don’t debate it I just wear it when I am too close to people.
I am not willing to “light the fires and kick the tires’ yet. I personally don’t want to spread my “Hotspot” to anyone else…. So I wait but I have turned a corner. I can plan……Dream again. I check some flights and racked up some hotel points. Aruba is looking awesome for my next excursion but I think I will wait to book it.