Knock three times in Knoxville, TN
What a fantastic weekender we spent in Knoxville, TN. Cities in general are great places to checkout in the summer months when everyone else is at the local waterholes and beaches. These smart locals take advantage of their cities uncrowded water fountain at the World's Fair Park downtown Knoxville, TN. With temperatures in the mid-90's it was a wonderful place to cool off and enjoy the squealing of children's joy at being drenched with water with the soothing sounds of water gushing. I could sit there all day.

The Hyatt Place in downtown Knoxville was an outstanding location to spend a weekend. I slept very well on their comfy beds and I appreciate their fluffy towels and clean rooms. There was an excellent lobby for hanging out in. The shower experience wasn't great and I will skip the free coffee in the future but I was able to wake up Saturday morning and hit the open market and do some much needed shopping for gifts for my family.

I prefer to shop at little local shops. I was so happy when I could find my sister a book I wanted to get her in a small book store, Union Ave Books rather than online or at a Barnes and Noble. It also had a great coffee shop attached.

I love all the art everywhere in Knoxville, TN and My favorite is street art. The back ally on Market Street never disappoints.

As a traveler and backpacker it is so wonderful to see a free filtered water station in the center of town. Way to go Knoxville!

I love discovering new things in places that you thought you already covered. Its reaffirms there is always more and a reason to come back if only to see changing art in a alley. The only constant is change. It's kinda like this blog because I can change, tweek or delete at any moment.
We lived outside of Knoxville, TN for 1 year and we didn't even know that The Knoxville Museum of Art has free admission and holds an incredible collection. I don't know how I missed that but I'm glad I found it this weekend. I really loved cooling down in the air conditioned museum with some incredible southern art.
Art museum in Knoxville, Tennessee

The Hyatt's location can't be beat and across the street is Tennessee Theatre, 604 S Gay St, Knoxville, TN 37902. The beautiful Victorian style theater has an array of venues from The Book of Mormon to Yanni playing this July. I didn't get to see the inside of the theater but It looks very dramatic and I would love to see something in that beautiful surrounding. The friendly attendant informed me that they have free tours every first Monday of the month that includes free live entertainment.

The best thing about being in a convienant and active city are the services available. Charlie was able to get a haircut at this super cool barber. Because we "live in our vacations" we constantly must find new barbers, dentists and doctors.

We also did some shopping and "coffee-housing".

Stepping right out of the Hyatt Place, which was the historic Farragut is the East Tennessee History Center. I love all the cool motorcycles all over Tennessee.

We love our Tennessee and it is placed in the :"we might " retire here someday category.